ЕСОЗ - публічна документація
(Deprected) IL.Sign declaration request
The process is initiated by any employee with necessary scopes in this legal entity and involves the transfer of a signed declaration with electronic digital signature.
Process is asynchronous. If all validations are successfully completed, the asynchronous process of creating a declaration starts by processing the message.
Authorize user
- Verify the validity of access token
- Check user scopes in order to perform this action
- In case error - generate 401 response
Digital signature
Decode content that is encrypted in an electronic digital signature.
Use Digital signature WS. Method checks digital signature and returns result.
See service specification
Validate DRFO
- Check that DRFO in Certificate details exists and not empty
- Check that DRFO in Certificate details is equal to DRFO in Party
- Get party.tax_id using employee_id in declaration payload
- Compare DRFO in Certificate with party.tax_id
- Convert DRFO and TAX_ID to uppercase
- Compare DRFO and TAX_ID as Cyrillic letters
- Convert DRFO to Cyrillic and compare as Cyrillic letters
- In case validation fails - generate 422 error
Latin to Cyrillic mapping
%{"A" => "А", "B" => "В", "C" => "С", "E" => "Е", "H" => "Н", "I" => "І", "K" => "К", "M" => "М", "O" => "О", "P" => "Р", "T" => "Т", "X" => "Х"}
Validate request
- Validate request using JSON schema (See specification)
- In case validation fails - generate 422 error
- Check declaration request status
- If status is not APPROVED, - returned error 'Incorrect status'
Check signed content
Check decoded signed content with previously created on IL.db.
SELECT data FROM declaration_requests WHERE id = {:id}
In case if they are not equal - generate 422 error (message: "Signed content does not match the previously created content")
Check employee
Declaration_request can be signed by any employee with necessery scopes in equal legal_entity_id.
- Extract legal_entity_id (client_id) from token
- Extract employee_id from request
- Check if $.client_id=employees.legal_entity_id
- in case error return 422
Check patient_signed flag
If "patient_signed" is not present in request, return 422 ("required property patient_signed was not present")
If "patient_signed"=false in request, return 422 ("Patient must sign declaration form")
Validate human readable declaration number
Search declaration_number in declarations.declaration_number.
- if exists return 422 - message 'Declaration with the same declaration_number is already exist in DB'
Save signed declaration to media storage
Get url for declaration upload.
Use Request a Secret WSParameter Source action 'GET' bucket 'DECLARATIONS' resource_id : DECLARATION_ID resource_name : DECLARATION_NAME - Upload signed declaration to media storage
Create/update person
If person.id
is in request then add mpi_id to declaration request. Update MPI.persons with new parameters.
If person.id
is not in request then create new person (do not search again for declarations in status ACTIVE
Get active declarations
Search for active declarations using MPI ID
- If found, - terminate them and create new declaration.
- If not found - create new declaration.
Terminate declaration
In case active declarations found - terminate all by changing status to INACTIVE.
Create declaration
Check authentication_method_current
SELECT authentication_method_current FROM declaration_requests WHERE id = {:id}
- If "type" = "OFFLINE"
- set declaration status to "PENDING_VERIFICATION"
- set reason to 'offline'
- if "type" = "OTP" - set declaration status to "ACTIVE"
- If "type" = "OFFLINE"
- Check persons 'no_tax_id' flag
- if 'no_tax_id'=true
- set declaration status to "PENDING_VERIFICATION"
- set reason to 'no_tax_id'
- if 'no_tax_id'=true
- Create a new declaration by adding a new entity to the declarations table ops_db without declaration_id.
- if there is existing record in the declarations table with the same id and declaration_request_id, return ok to IL
Destination | Source |
employee_id | declaration_request.data.employee.id |
person_id | :mpi_id |
start_date | declaration_request.data.start_date |
end_date | declaration_request.data.end_date |
signed_at | :timestamp |
is_active | true |
scope | declaration_request.data.scope |
division_id | declaration_request.data.division.id |
legal_entity_id | declaration_request.data.legal_entity.id |
Update declaration request status
Update declaration request:
UPDATE declaration_requests SET status = 'SIGNED' WHERE id = {:id}
Generate link for personal online cabinet
Extract person.email from request
- if person.email is not null
- generate link to personal online cabinet - TBD
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ЕСОЗ - публічна документація