Get Legal Entities list/ID
ЕСОЗ - публічна документація
Get Legal Entities list/ID
n/n | description | inputs | expected_result | actual_result |
1 | GET LE by Id without scope | invalid token id | 200, "code": "FORBIDDEN", "message": "Your scope does not allow to access this resource" | |
2 | GET LE with not valid token | invalid token id | 401, "error": { "message": "Invalid access token", "type": "access_denied" } | 401, "error": { "message": "Invalid access token", "type": "access_denied" } |
3 | GET LE by invalid ID (global) | token invalid id | "message": "In argument \"id\": Could not decode ID value `TGVnYWxFbnRpdHk6ZjQxZWJiMzMtZTlkMC00ZWY0LThlOTItZTcxOWQxNjU1NWU'", "path": [ "legalEntity" ] | "message": "In argument \"id\": Could not decode ID value `TGVnYWxFbnRpdHk6ZjQxZWJiMzMtZTlkMC00ZWY0LThlOTItZTcxOWQxNjU1NWU'", "path": [ "legalEntity" ] |
4 | GET LE by valid non existing ID (global) | token non existing id | 200, { "data": { "legalEntity": null } } | 200, { "data": { "legalEntity": null } } |
5 | GET LE by valid ID (global) | 200, data by requested ID | 200, data by requested ID medicalServiceProvider always returns empty value absent fields
| |
6 | GET LE by EDRPOU | token, fields, LegalEntityMergeJobFilter | 200, filtered by edrpou | 200, filtered by edrpou |
7 | GET LE by invalid EDRPOU | token, fields, LegalEntityMergeJobFilter | 200,"nodes": [] | 200, "nodes": [] |
8 | GET LE by non-existing EDRPOU | token, fields, LegalEntityMergeJobFilter | 200, "nodes": [] | 200, "nodes": [] |
9 | GET list of LE | token fields | 200, data | 200, data |
10 | GET list of LE filtered by nhsVerified | token, fields, LegalEntityMergeJobFilter | 200, data filtered by nhsVerified | 200, data filtered by nhsVerified |
10 | GET list of LE filtered by area | token, fields, LegalEntityMergeJobFilter | 200, data filtered by area | |
11 | GET list of LE filtered by settlement | token, fields, LegalEntityMergeJobFilter | 200, data filtered by settlement | |
12 | Sort list of LE by LegalEntityOrderBy | token, | 200, sorted by LegalEntityMergeJobOrderBy
| 200, sorted by LegalEntityMergeJobOrderBy
13 | GET LE List by valid ID (database) | token, fields, LegalEntityMergeJobFilter | 200, data filtered by databaseId | 200, filtered by ID |
14 | GET LE List by not valid ID (database) | token, fields, LegalEntityMergeJobFilter | 200, "message": "Malformed request. Probably, you have sent corrupted JSON." | 200, "message": "Malformed request. Probably, you have sent corrupted JSON." |
15 | GET LE List by valid non existing ID (database) | token, fields, LegalEntityMergeJobFilter | 200, "nodes": [] | 200, "nodes": [] |
16 | GET related to LE division filtered by DivisionFilter and sorted by DivisionOrderBy | token, fields | divisions are not present | |
17 | GET related to LE mergedFromLegalEntities filtered by mergedFromLegalEntities and sorted by mergedFromLegalEntities | token, fields | there is no filter by edrpou |
, multiple selections available,
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