DELETE Get Partially Signed Contract Reqeust by ID test
ЕСОЗ - публічна документація
DELETE Get Partially Signed Contract Reqeust by ID test
n/n | description | inputs | expected_result | actual_result |
GCRS1 | Get Partially Signed Contract Request by NHS |
| 403, Incorrect contractor_legal_entity_id | 403, Invalid client_id |
GCRS2 | Get own Partially Signed Contract Request by MSP |
| 200 | 200 |
GCRS3 | Get others msp Partially Signed Contract Request by MSP |
| 422, Incorrect contractor_legal_entity_id | 403, Invalid client_id |
GCRS4 | Get Partially Signed Contract Request by MSP which doesn't exist |
| 404, Contract Request with this ID doesn't exist | 404 |
GCRS5 | Get Partially Signed Contract Request by MSP which wasn't signed yet |
| 422 | 422, The contract hasn't been signed yet |
, multiple selections available,
ЕСОЗ - публічна документація