ЕСОЗ - публічна документація
Get child entities through episode context
This web service (set of services) is designed to provide access to specific episode of care and all its child entities for those users who has appropriate privileges
- User who has active declaration with patient is "authorized" to manage all patient's data (view history, add new medical events)
- User with active approval to this episode can view episode details and its child entities
- Get encounters in episode context
- Get encounter details in episode context
- Get conditions in episode context
- Get condition details in episode context
- Get observations in episode context
- Get observation details in episode context
- Get allergy intolerances in episode context
- Get allergy intolerance details in episode context
- Get immunizations in episode context
- Get immunization details in episode context
Service logic
Validate token
- Verify the validity of access token
- Return (401, 'unauthorized') in case of validation fails
- Verify that token is not expired
- in case of error - return (401, 'unauthorized')
Validate scopes
- Check user scopes in order to perform this action (scope = 'episode:read')
- Return (403, 'forbidden') in case of invalid scope(s)
Validate data consistency
- Ensure that requested episode of care relates to requested patient
- Return (404, 'not found') in case of error
Check user privileges
If ANY of this rules is met - user has privileges to access this data
Otherwise - access to this data is denied. Return (403, 'forbidden')
Rule 1: User who has active declaration with patient is "authorized" to manage all patient's data
1. Get token metadata
- Extract user_id, client_id, client_type
2. Determine the party_id associated with this user_id
SELECT pu.party_id FROM party_users pu WHERE pu.user_id = :user_id;
3. Determine employees related to this party_id in current MSP
SELECT e.id FROM employees e WHERE e.party_id = :party_id AND e.legal_entity_id = :client_id;
4. Find patient declarations in this MSP
SELECT d.id FROM declarations d WHERE d.legal_entity_id = :client_id AND d.employee_id IN (:employees) AND d.status IN ('active', 'pending_verification') AND d.person_id = :patient_id;
Rule 2: User with active approval to this episode can view episode details and its child entities
, multiple selections available,
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ЕСОЗ - публічна документація