Auto cleaning of person data from merge requests

ЕСОЗ - публічна документація

Auto cleaning of person data from merge requests


Job made for cleaning personal data of persons in merge requests.

Job logic

  1. Job starts once in 24 hours by default (configured parameter MERGE_REQUEST_AUTOCLEANING_SCHEDULE = “0 0 */1 * *“ by default).

  2. After starting it gets value from global parameter MERGE_REQUEST_DATA_EXPIRATION_DAYS ( by default 1 day)

  3. Select all entries from il.merge_requests with status=EXPIRED, REJECTED, SIGNED where authentication_method_current is not null:

    1. If inserted_at >= current_datetime() - MERGE_REQUEST_DATA_EXPIRATION_DAYS. Then skip the record

    2. If inserted_at < current_datetime() - MERGE_REQUEST_DATA_EXPIRATION_DAYS. Then update entry:

      1. set fields data, authentication_method_current, printout_form, documents to null.

      2. set updated_by to system user.

      3. set updated_at to current datetime.



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