Merge Legal Entities Tests
ЕСОЗ - публічна документація
Merge Legal Entities Tests
n/n | description | inputs | expected result | actual result |
MLE1 | Merge legal entities without scopes |
| 200, "code": "FORBIDDEN", "message": "Your scope does not allow to access this resource" | 200, "code": "FORBIDDEN", "message": "Your scope does not allow to access this resource" |
MLE2 | Merge legal entities with invalid tax_id<>DRFO |
| 'Invalid DRFO' | Invalid drfo |
MLE3 | Merge legal entities with merged_to legal_entity status='CLOSED' |
| 'Merged to legal entity must be active' | 'Merged to legal entity must be active' |
MLE4 | Merge legal entities with merged_from legal_entity status='CLOSED' |
| 'Merged from legal entity must be active' | "message": "Merged from legal entity must be active" |
MLE5 | Merge legal entities with type<>'MSP' |
| 'Invalid legal entity type' | 'Invalid legal entity type' |
MLE6 | Merge legal entities with type1='MSP', type2<>MSP |
| 'Invalid legal entity type' | 'Invalid legal entity type' |
MLE7 | Merge legal entities with merged_to legal_entity incorrect name |
| 'Invalid legal entity name' | "message": "Invalid merged to legal entity name" |
MLE8 | Merge legal entities with merged_to legal_entity incorrect edrpou |
| 'Invalid legal entity edrpou' | Invalid merged from legal entity edrpou |
MLE9 | Merge legal entities with merged_from legal_entity incorrect name |
| 'Invalid legal entity name' | "message": "Invalid merged from legal entity name" |
MLE10 | Merge legal entities with merged_from legal_entity incorrect edrpou |
| 'Invalid legal entity edrpou' | Invalid merged to legal entity edrpou |
MLE11 | merged_to legal entity is an active merged_from legal entity |
| 'Merged to legal entity is in the process of reorganisation itself' | 'Merged to legal entity is in the process of reorganization itself' |
MLE12 | merged from legal entity is in the process of reorganization |
| 'Merged from legal entity is already in the process of reorganisation' | 'Merged from legal entity is already in the process of reorganization' |
MLE13 | merge 2 valid legal entities |
| 200, job is created
| 200, job is created
MLE14 | merge 2 already merged legal entities |
| Merged from legal entity is in the process of reorganisation itself | Merged from legal entity is in the process of reorganisation itself |
MLE15 | merge same legal entity |
| Legator and successor of legal entities must be different | |
MLE16 | merge 2 valid legal entities with declarations count=200 000 |
| done | |
MLE17 | Sign without EDRPOU and match edrpou |
| DRFO does not match signer drfo | DRFO does not match signer drfo |
MLE18 | Sign with match EDRPOU and not match DRFO |
| Invalid drfo | UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY Invalid drfo |
MLE19 | Sign with not match EDRPOU and match DRFO |
| EDRPOU does not match legal_entity edrpou | EDRPOU does not match legal_entity edrpou |
MLE20 | Sign without DRFO and match edrpou |
| Invalid drfo | Invalid drfo |
MLE21 | Sign with match EDRPOU and match DRFO |
| 200 | 200 |
, multiple selections available,
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