ЕСОЗ - публічна документація
Verify approval
This WS is designed to verify approval on entity, which aggregate other entities (episode_of_care, diagnostic_report, care_plan), OR forbidden group OR diagnoses group, OR on service_request including it’s permitted_resources OR on cancel for encounter and procedure OR patient.
Link | https://medicaleventsmisapi.docs.apiary.io/#reference/approvals/verify-approval/verify-approval |
Resource | /api/patients/{{patiend_id}}/approvals/{{id}} |
Scope | approval:create |
Components | Approvals |
Microservices | API paragraph not found |
Protocol type | REST |
Request type | PATCH |
Sync/Async | Async |
Public/Private/Internal | Public |
Input parameters
Input parameter | Values | Type | Description | Example |
patiend_id | String | mpi_id. Required | aff00bf6-68bf-4b49-b66d-f031d48922b3 | |
id | String | approval_id. Required | aff00bf6-68bf-4b49-b66d-f031d48922b3 |
If approval has resource != (care_plan & terms_of_service = ‘INPATIENT’ for care_plan&granted_to.employees.legal_entity_id = care_plans.managing_organization):
If authentication_method_current.type = OTP
system checks verification code via otp_verification service PATCH /verifications/:phone_number/actions/complete
if verification code matches - change is_verified to true
If not - return error
if resource from granted_to = employee AND access_level=read :
Check if there are items Medical Events filtration by Forbidden groups#Medical-events-to-filter for entities from granted_resource and\or from reason included to the forbidden groups
if there are active items from forbidden group
create approval on each forbidden_group block whose elements appear entities from granted_resource and\or from reason
set is_verified = true
set reason = id of the approval which was verified
set created_by - the same user as for approval, which is verified
set granted_to - the same employee as for approval, which is verified
set granted_by - the same patient as for approval, which is verified
If authentication_method_current.type = offline or null OR approval with resource = care_plan where terms_of_service = ‘INPATIENT’ for care_plan&granted_to.employees.legal_entity_id = care_plans.managing_organization::
change is_verified to true
Search if there exists active and not expired approvals with current patient_id, for the same granted_resources, granted_to and access_level as in request:
If found - set for existing approvals:
updated_at = now()
updated_by = current user
expired_at = now()
Request structure
See on Apiary
Verify the validity of access token
Check user scope approval:create in order to perform this action
Authorization:Bearer d368a4b0-4a0e-457a-b267-32359fa6288f
HTTP status codes
HTTP status code | Message | What caused the error |
200 | Response |
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ЕСОЗ - публічна документація