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RC (PCAB) MIS authorization
This process is designed to perform and validating authorization of MIS clients.
Key points & Requirements
For identifiers of MIS clients (as a broker) we use term API-key.
API-key would be issued for new specific user-type in mithrill (i.e. MIS). API-key is a
- Medical Information System secret key issued upon integration request.Each MIS would have list of allowed scopes
MIS API key authorization has to take precedence over all other user (i.e. MSP/client) authorization checks. For example: if MIS is unauthorized to register Declaration, but MSP is authorized, request has to be REJECTED, because MIS check has higher priority.
If MIS don't send api-key in Request HEADER, API return 401 error wih message "API-KEY header required".
For identifiers of MIS clients we use header X-Custom-PSK.
We use X-Custom-PSK header for check hosting provider. If X-Custom-PSK is correct we get access to `kong` MIS routes.
Each MIS must mandatory send X-Custom-PSK when called any eHealth API.
Service logic
For identifiers MIS clients (client_type = MIS) we use term API-key. We store API-key in `secret` attribute 'clients` table.
Condition for validate MIS API-key mandatory
For some clients (client_type = MSP, PHARMASY, ..) we need require mandatory access only transfer across MIS (MIS is a broker).
Proposed use new attribute `access_type` with values (`DIRECT`, `BROKER`) in JSON object in column `client.priv_settings` for mark such clients.
We extract client access type from token, analyze `access_type` = BROKER, and require brokers (not own) API-key in WS request.
client_type | Purpose | access_type |
Auth_FE | Auth frontEnd | DIRECT |
MSP | Medical service provider | BROKER |
MIS | Medical information system | DIRECT |
NHS_Admin | Admin console of the NHS | DIRECT |
MITHRIL ADMIN | Admin console of the Mithril itself | DIRECT |
PHARMACY | Pharmacy | BROKER |
UADDRESSES ADMIN | Admin of UA adresses | DIRECT |
For create new clients need validate object `client.priv_settings` on mandatory attribute `access_type` & mapping values (client_type :: access_type)
Send & Get API-key
Some clients (which `access_type` = BROKER) must be send (mandatory) API-key as a attribute `API-key` in HEADER all request.
curl --include \
--request POST \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer mF_9.B5f-4.1JqM" \
--header "API-key: d09vQUFlWTZ6Q0RXRDJISldUOVQ3dz09" \
--header "X-Custom-PSK: a2aa05c26f3f4d91570f923a53cc7aa8f23bbc01a5238d1c2c26d4299715a7e4"
--data-binary "{
\"medication_request_request\": {
Manage MIS broker scope
For some clients (client_type = MIS) which provide transfer for call API - we need mandatory validate possibility access to API endpoints.
Proposed use new attribute `broker_scopes` in JSON object in column `client.priv_settings`.
If attribute `broker_scopes` not exist in `client.priv_settings` - we don`t need validate access over broker!
Client_type | Purpose | client.priv_settings |
Auth_FE | Auth frontEnd |
MSP | Medical service provider |
MIS | Medical information system | "broker_scopes": "legal_entity:read declaration:read employee:read" |
NHS_Admin | Admin console of the NHS |
MITHRIL ADMIN | Admin console of the Mithril itself |
PHARMACY | Pharmacy |
UADDRESSES ADMIN | Admin of UA adresses |
For clients (client_type = MIS) on which we will check access for call API endpoint - we need describe the list `broker_scopes`.
Proposed manage & store list `broker_scopes` in attribute `priv_settings` in table `clients`.
"allowed_grant_types": [
"access_type": "direct",
In case of need complex disconnect MIS for transfer of call API endpoints - we need full clear him `broker_scopes`.
Clear, but not delete!
Validate MIS transfer scope
When MSP call specific API endpoint over (transfer) MIS we need validate possibility to access.
Get `client_id` from `token`
Read `clients` for `client_id`. (further in the text - `REQUEST_CLIENT`)
Extract `access_type` from `priv_settings`.
If `access_type` = `BROKER`
Read `API-key` from HEADER
if API-key missing - return 401 error "API-KEY header required !"
Validate `API-key`. (see details: RC (PCAB) [Internal] Apikey verify )
Validate exists `secret` in table `clients`
if invalid - return 401 error "API-KEY header required !"
Read `clients` with `secret`(API-key) in header. (further in the text - `BROKER_CLIENT`)
Extract `broker_scopes` from `priv_settings` .
if not found `broker_scopes` - return 401 error "Incorrect broker settings!"
Read needed scopes for call API Endpoint (read from GateWay configuration - "/gateway-config.yaml")
Validate exist needed scopes in `broker_scopes` of `BROKER_CLIENT`.
if invalid - return 403 error " Scope is not allowed by broker"
If `access_type` = `DIRECT`
break validation.
Configuration examples
Comments | clients.priv_settings |
MSP | { "allowed_grant_types": [ "password", "access_token" ], "access_type": "broker" } |
Incorrect MSP | { "allowed_grant_types": [ "password", "access_token" ], "access_type": "direct" } |
Normal MIS | { "allowed_grant_types": [ "password", "access_token" ], "access_type": "direct", "broker_scopes": "legal_entity:read declaration:read employee:read" } |
Full blocked MIS | { "allowed_grant_types": [ "password", "access_token" ], "access_type": "direct", "broker_scopes": "" } |
Non broker MIS | { "allowed_grant_types": [ "password", "access_token" ], "access_type": "direct" } |
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