Auth. Configuration
ЕСОЗ - публічна документація
Auth. Configuration
Params | Purpose | PreProd | Prod |
TOKEN_DELETING_SCHEDULE | Schedule to delete tokens, that have been expired earlier. Only tokens that are older then "TOKEN_TTL_AFTER_EXPIRATION_DAYS" are deleted | "* 1-4 * * *" | "* 1-4 * * *" |
TOKEN_EXPIRATION_SCHEDULE | Schedule for expire tokens | "* * * * *" | "*/5 * * * *" |
TOKEN_TTL_AFTER_EXPIRATION_DAYS | How long expired tokens should live | "30" | "30" |
AUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN_LIFETIME | Lifetime of access token | "3600" | "3600" |
AUTH_REFRESH_TOKEN_LIFETIME | Lifetime of refresh token | "1209600" | "1209600" |
ЕСОЗ - публічна документація