ЕСОЗ - публічна документація
27.10.2020 8.19.2-Prod-[hotfix]
Release notes:
Medical conclusions:
fix for nullPointerException on missed streetTypeID
fix description for childDocName is wdsl
more logging and error codes on timeouts (added error codes 1107 - RPC timeout, 1108 - invalid RPC response)
make integration parameters configurable (var EMAL_INTEGRATION)
avoid 'I' and '1' in Title Generation
temp disability composition - minor fix when comparing start/end period during prolongation (previously - compare date/time, now - compare date only)
newborn composition - add verification for birthdate and gender for preperson (1113-preperson birthdate is required, 1114-preperson gender is required)
newborn composition - add verification for focus and subject state (must be active) (added error codes 1111-Focus should be active and 1112-Subject should be active)
Infrastructure task:
increase memory limit for mithril db
increase memory limit for mpi db, rep-db
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ЕСОЗ - публічна документація