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This WS allows to find Groups of Diagnoses in Admin panel using search params. Groups can be found by group params and/or by item params.
Key points
This is a graphQl query method used in Administration panel only.
Only authenticated and authorized NHS employee with appropriate scope can search Groups of Diagnoses.
"Reads a single `DiagnosesGroup` using its globally unique ID."
diagnosesGroup(id: ID!): DiagnosesGroup
"Reads and enables pagination through a set of `DiagnosesGroup`."
"A condition to be used in determining which values should be returned by the collection."
filter: DiagnosesGroupFilter
"The method to use when ordering collection items."
orderBy: DiagnosesGroupOrderBy
"Read all values in the set after (below) this cursor."
after: String
"Read all values in the set before (above) this cursor."
before: String
"Only read the first _n_ values of the set."
first: Int
"Only read the last _n_ values of the set."
last: Int
): DiagnosesGroupConnection!
Fields to filter diagnoses groups in the system.
input DiagnosesGroupFilter {
"Checks for equality with the object’s `databaseId` field."
databaseId: UUID
"Checks for matching with the object’s `name` field."
name: String
"Checks for equality with the object’s `isActive` field."
isActive: Boolean
"Diagnoses group code filter"
diagnosesGroupCode: DiagnosesGroupCodeFilter
Methods to use when ordering `DiagnosesGroup`.
enum DiagnosesGroupOrderBy {
"Orders by the object’s `insertedAt` field in the ascending order."
"Orders by the object’s `insertedAt` field in the descending order."
"Orders by the object’s `name` field in the ascending order."
"Orders by the object’s `name` field in the descending order."
A connection to a list of `DiagnosesGroup` items.
type DiagnosesGroupConnection {
"Information to aid in pagination."
pageInfo: PageInfo!
"A list of nodes."
nodes: [DiagnosesGroup]
"A list of edges."
edges: [DiagnosesGroupEdge]
An edge in a connection of `DiagnosesGroup`.
type DiagnosesGroupEdge {
"The item at the end of the edge."
node: DiagnosesGroup!
"A cursor for use in pagination."
cursor: String!
DiagnosesGroup contains diagnoses codes.
In order to obtain details user must have a scope **diagnoses_group:read**
type DiagnosesGroup implements Node {
"The ID of an object."
id: ID!
"Primary key identifier from the database."
databaseId: UUID!
"The name of the `DiagnosesGroup`."
name: String!
"The code of the `DiagnosesGroup`."
code: String!
"The description of the `DiagnosesGroup`."
description: String
"The reason the `DiagnosesGroup` was deactivated."
deactivationReason: String
"Whether the `DiagnosesGroup` is active or not?"
isActive: Boolean!
"Date and time when record was inserted."
insertedAt: DateTime!
"Date and time when record was updated."
updatedAt: DateTime!
"Diagnosis codes wich belong to DiagnosesGroup."
"A condition to be used in determining which values should be returned by the collection."
filter: DiagnosesGroupCodeFilter
"The method to use when ordering collection items."
orderBy: DiagnosesGroupCodeOrderBy
"Read all values in the set after (below) this cursor."
after: String
"Read all values in the set before (above) this cursor."
before: String
"Only read the first _n_ values of the set."
first: Int
"Only read the last _n_ values of the set."
last: Int
): DiagnosesGroupCodeConnection!
Fields to filter diagnoses group codes in the system.
input DiagnosesGroupCodeFilter {
"Primary key identifier from the database."
databaseId: UUID
"Code from dictionary values."
code: String
"Dictionary name."
system: String
Methods to use when ordering `DiagnosesGroupCode`.
enum DiagnosesGroupCodeOrderBy {
"Sort by inserted_at in ascending order."
"Sort by inserted_at in descending order."
A connection to a list of `DiagnosesGroupCode` items.
type DiagnosesGroupCodeConnection {
"Information to aid in pagination."
pageInfo: PageInfo!
"A list of nodes."
nodes: [DiagnosesGroupCode]
"A list of edges."
edges: [DiagnosesGroupCodeEdge]
An edge in a connection of `DiagnosesGroupCode`.
type DiagnosesGroupCodeEdge {
"The item at the end of the edge."
node: DiagnosesGroupCode!
"A cursor for use in pagination."
cursor: String!
DiagnosesGroupCode connects diagnoses codes.
In order to obtain details user must have a scope **diagnoses_group:read**
type DiagnosesGroupCode implements Node {
"The ID of an object."
id: ID!
"Primary key identifier from the database."
databaseId: UUID!
diagnosesGroup: DiagnosesGroup!
"Dictionary name."
system: String!
"Code from values of the dictionary pointed at `system` property"
code: String!
Verify the validity of access token
in case of error - return 401 (“Invalid access token”) in case of validation fails
Verify that token is not expired
in case of error - return 401 (“Invalid access token”)
Check user scopes in order to perform this action (scope = 'diagnoses_group:read')
return 403 (“Your scope does not allow to access this resource. Missing allowances: diagnoses_group:read”) in case of invalid scope(s)
Validate legal entity
Extract client_id from token.
Check client scopes in order to perform this action (scope = 'diagnoses_group:read')
in case of error - return 403 (“Your scope does not allow to access this resource. Missing allowances: diagnoses_group:read”)
Check client_type = NHS
in case of error - return 403 ('You don’t have permission to access this resource')
Check legal entity status (status = ACTIVE)
In case of error - return 409 ('client_id refers to legal entity that is not active')
Search params
Search with a few params performs according to the logical AND rule.
id. Search (used to get group details)
name. Search by
is_active. Search by diagnoses_groups.is_active
item_code. Search by diagnoses_groups.code
item_name. Search by code description for dictionaries (diagnoses_group_codes dc join dictionaries d on dc.system = and dc.code = d.values.code)
item_type (string). Limits the search to the following items:
<system> - search within specified dictionary. Where <system> is eHealth/ICD10_AM/condition_codes or eHealth/ICPC2/condition_codes
Service logic
Render diagnoses_groups array with nested array of diagnoses_group_codes that match the search params