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RC [WP] Group of Diagnoses data model
Groups of Diagnoses tables are stored in the PRM database
Table used to store Group of Diagnoses attributes
Name | Type | M/O | Description and constraints |
id | uuid | M | System identifier of the Group of Diagnoses |
name | varchar | M | Name of the Group of Diagnoses |
code | varchar | M | Code from |
description | varchar | O | Description of the Group of Diagnoses |
deactivation_reason | varchar | O | Reason for deactivating Group of Diagnoses |
is_active | bool | M | Technical flag. By default is true |
inserted_by | uuid | M | User who created a Group of Diagnoses |
inserted_at | timestamp | M | Time when a Group of Diagnoses was created |
updated_by | uuid | M | The last user by who the Group of Diagnoses was updated |
updated_at | timestamp | M | The last time the Group of Diagnoses was updated |
Table used to store Codes included to Groups of Diagnoses
Name | Type | M/O | Description and constraints |
id | uuid | M | System identifier of the Group of Diagnoses inclusion |
diagnoses_group_id | uuid | M | FOREIGN KEY. The Group of Diagnoses the Code belongs to |
code | varchar | M | Code from the Dictionary (i.o “O25”) |
system | varchar | M | Dictionary the Code belongs to |
inserted_by | uuid | M | User who added item to the Group of Diagnoses. Needed for logging actions to PRM.audit_log |
inserted_at | timestamp | M | Time when a Group was created |
updated_by | uuid | M | The last user who changed (deactivated) the Group of Diagnoses. Needed for logging actions to PRM.audit_log |
updated_at | timestamp | M | The last time the Group was updated |
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