ЕСОЗ - публічна документація
Party verification data model
Source file:
The table in PRM db used to store results of synchronization with external registries that characterizes a party
Name | Type | M/O | Description |
id | uuid | M | Internal eHealth identifier |
party_id | uuid | M | Party identifier, unique |
drfo_data_id | uuid | O | Identifier of the record from mimir.drfo_data |
drfo_data_result | smallint | O | Result of the last synchronization with DRFO. Value according to DRFO_RESULT dictionary |
drfo_synced_at | datetime | O | Date and time of the last synchronization with DRFO |
drfo_verification_status | varchar | M | Verification status according to DRFO for the current party |
drfo_verification_reason | varchar | M | Reason of the DRFO verification status |
dracs_death_online_status | varchar | M | Online sync status with DRACS death acts registry for the current party |
dracs_death_verification_status | varchar | M | Verification status according to DRACS death acts for the current party |
dracs_death_verification_reason | varchar | M | Reason of the DRACS death acts verification status |
dracs_death_verification_comment | varchar | O | Comment for DRACS death acts verification status |
inserted_at | datetime | M | Date and time the record was created |
inserted_by | uuid | M | User who triggered the record creation (system user if job; employee user if online using person request or DRFO api calls from admin panel). |
updated_at | datetime | M | Date and time the record was updated |
updated_by | uuid | M | User who triggered the record update (system user if job; employee user if online using person request or DRFO api calls from admin panel). |
Assumed unique constraint on person_id:
create unique index party_verifications_party_id_index
on party_verifications (party_id);
The table in PRM db is used to store links between party_id and dracs_death_act_id that were created as the result of comparing party data with death act data
Name | Type | M/O | Description |
id | uuid | M | Internal record identifier |
party_id | uuid | M | Party prm identifier, unique |
entity_id | uuid | M | Identifier of entity that created candidate, type is specified in entity_type field |
entity_type | varchar | M | Type of entity that triggered verification candidate pair Values:
status | varchar | M | Status of verification candidate Values:
status_reason | varchar | O | Optional reason of verification candidate status Values:
config | jsonb | O | Variables that were used in comparison process |
details | jsonb | O | Additional details of comparison process |
score | float | O | Logistic regression comparison score |
inserted_at | timestamp | M | Date and time the record was created |
updated_at | timestamp | M | Date and time the record was updated |
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