ЕСОЗ - публічна документація
RC_Party verification data model (DMS)
Source file:
The table in PRM db used to store results of synchronization with external registries that characterizes a party
Name | Type | M/O | Description |
id | uuid | M | Internal eHealth identifier |
party_id | uuid | M | Party identifier, unique |
drfo_data_id | uuid | O | Identifier of the record from mimir.drfo_data |
drfo_data_result | smallint | O | Result of the last synchronization with DRFO. Value according to DRFO_RESULT dictionary |
drfo_synced_at | datetime | O | Date and time of the last synchronization with DRFO |
drfo_verification_status | varchar | M | Verification status according to DRFO for the current party |
drfo_verification_reason | varchar | M | Reason of the DRFO verification status |
drfo_unverified_at | datetime | O | Date and time of DRFO verification status change to ‘NOT_VERIFIED’ |
dracs_death_online_status | varchar | M | Online sync status with DRACS death acts registry for the current party |
dracs_death_verification_status | varchar | M | Verification status according to DRACS death acts for the current party |
dracs_death_verification_reason | varchar | M | Reason of the DRACS death acts verification status |
dracs_death_verification_comment | varchar | O | Comment for DRACS death acts verification status |
dracs_death_unverified_at | datetime | O | Date and time of DRACS death acts verification status change to ‘NOT_VERIFIED’ |
mvs_passport_data_id | uuid | O | Identifier of the record from mimir.mvs_passport_data |
| smallint | O | Status of the last synchronization with Passport register (MVS). Value according to EIS_MVS_STATUS dictionary |
mvs_passport_synced_at | datetime | O | Date and time of the last synchronization with Passport register (MVS) |
mvs_passport_verification_status | varchar | M | Verification status of Passport (MVS) for the current party |
mvs_passport_verification_reason | varchar | M | Reason of the verification status for the Passport (MVS) |
mvs_passport_unverified_at | datetime | O | Date and time of Passport (MVS) verification status change to ‘NOT_VERIFIED’ |
dms_passport_data_id | uuid | O | Identifier of the record from mimir.dms_passport_data |
| smallint | O | Status of the last synchronization with Passport register (DMS). Value according to EIS_MVS_STATUS dictionary |
dms_passport_synced_at | datetime | O | Date and time of the last synchronization with Passport register (DMS) |
dms_passport_verification_status | varchar | M | Verification status of Passport (DMS) for the current party |
dms_passport_verification_reason | varchar | M | Reason of the verification status for the Passport (DMS) |
dms_passport_unverified_at | datetime | O | Date and time of Passport (DMS) verification status change to ‘NOT_VERIFIED’ |
inserted_at | datetime | M | Date and time the record was created |
inserted_by | uuid | M | User who triggered the record creation (system user if job; employee user if online using person request or DRFO api calls from admin panel). |
updated_at | datetime | M | Date and time the record was updated |
updated_by | uuid | M | User who triggered the record update (system user if job; employee user if online using person request or DRFO api calls from admin panel). |
dracs_death_act_id | uuid | O | Identifier of the record from mimir.dracs_death_acts |
Assumed unique constraint on person_id:
create unique index party_verifications_party_id_index
on party_verifications (party_id);
The table in PRM db is used to store links between party_id and dracs_death_act_id that were created as the result of comparing party data with death act data
Name | Type | M/O | Description |
id | uuid | M | Internal record identifier |
party_id | uuid | M | Party prm identifier, unique |
entity_id | uuid | M | Identifier of entity that created candidate, type is specified in entity_type field |
entity_type | varchar | M | Type of entity that triggered verification candidate pair Values:
status | varchar | M | Status of verification candidate Values:
status_reason | varchar | O | Optional reason of verification candidate status Values:
config | jsonb | O | Variables that were used in comparison process |
details | jsonb | O | Additional details of comparison process |
score | float | O | Logistic regression comparison score |
inserted_at | timestamp | M | Date and time the record was created |
updated_at | timestamp | M | Date and time the record was updated |
The table in MIMIR db used to store data about passport documents that were received from registry of stolen and lost ones by means of CheckPassportStatus service.
Model described at RC_MVS integration data model (DMS) | mvs_passport_data
The table in MIMIR db used to store data about passport documents that were received from registry of invalid ones by means of CheckPassportDMSStatus service.
Model described at RC_MVS integration data model (DMS) | dms_passport_data
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