ЕСОЗ - публічна документація
RC_MVS integration data model (DMS)
- 1 Schema
- 2 Tables
- 2.1 unzr_data
- 2.2 mvs_passport_data
- 2.3 dms_passport_data
- 2.4 person_verifications
- 2.5 party_verifications
- 2.6 unzr_info
The tables used in the MVS synchronization process are listed there.
The table in MIMIR db used to store unzr data about person that were received from UNZR registry by means of checkunzr service. Records should not store links to mpi.
Name | Type | M/O | Description |
id | uuid | M | Internal eHealth identifier |
unzr | string | M | UNZR. It is |
family_name | string | M | Last name of the person. |
given_name | string | M | First name of the person. |
patronymic_name | string | M | Second name of the person. |
date_birth | date | M | Birth date of the person. |
status | smallint | M | Status of the UNZR for a person.
description | string | M | Description of the status. |
inserted_at | datetime | M | Date and time the record was created |
updated_at | datetime | M | Date and time the record was updated |
Assumed unique index on unzr:
create unique index unzr_data_unzr_index
on unzr_data (unzr);
The table in MIMIR db used to store data about passport documents that were received from registry of stolen and lost ones by means of CheckPassportStatus service. Records should not store links to mpi.
Name | Type | M/O | Description |
id | uuid | M | Internal eHealth identifier |
pass_type | string | M | Passport type.
pas_serial | string | O | Passport serial. Might be empty if passport type is NATIONAL_ID (from DOCUMENT_TYPE dict) |
pas_number | string | M | Passport number. |
pas_status | smallint | M | Passport status in the register.
inserted_at | datetime | M | Date and time the record was created |
updated_at | datetime | M | Date and time the record was updated |
Assumed unique index on pass_type, pas_serial, pas_number:
create unique index mvs_passport_data_pass_type_pas_serial_pas_number_index
on mvs_passport_data (pass_type, pas_serial, pas_number);
The table in MIMIR db used to store data about passport documents that were received from registry of invalid ones by means of CheckPassportDMSStatus service. Records should not store links to mpi.
Name | Type | M/O | Description |
id | uuid | M | Internal eHealth identifier |
pass_type | string | M | Passport type.
pas_serial | string | O | Passport serial. Might be empty if passport type is NATIONAL_ID (from DOCUMENT_TYPE dict) |
pas_number | string | M | Passport number. |
pas_status | smallint | M | Passport status in the register.
inserted_at | datetime | M | Date and time the record was created |
updated_at | datetime | M | Date and time the record was updated |
Assumed unique index on pass_type, pas_serial, pas_number:
create unique index dms_passport_data_pass_type_pas_serial_pas_number_index
on dms_passport_data (pass_type, pas_serial, pas_number);
The table in MPI db is used to store results of synchronization with external registries that characterizes a person
Model described Person verification status model_EN | person_verifications
The table in PRM db is used to store results of synchronization with external registries that characterizes a party
Model described Party verification data model | party_verifications
The table in MIMIR db used to store personal information of Persons were received by UNZR from EIS MVS registry using unzr service. Records should not store links to mpi.
Name | Type | M/O | Description |
id | uuid | M | Internal eHealth identifier |
unzr | string | M | UNZR. It is |
job_status | string | M | Status of the data update performed by Oban job:
info | jsonb | O | Personal information received from “unzr“ service (tag Info) |
synced_at | datetime | O | Date and time when |
inserted_at | datetime | M | Date and time the record was created |
inserted_by | uuid | M | User who triggered the record creation (an employee’s user who called the “unzr” api from admin panel). |
updated_at | datetime | M | Date and time the record was updated or synchronized with EIS MVS registry |
updated_by | uuid | M | User who triggered the record update or synchronization (an employee’s user who called the “unzr“ api from admin panel). |
Assumed unique index on unzr:
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ЕСОЗ - публічна документація