Test Cases for Create Episode

ЕСОЗ - публічна документація

Test Cases for Create Episode

Expected resultActual result
1Valid input data
record created in DBrecord created in DB
2Wrong scopestoken of user, who doesn't have the scope 403403
3Declaration validation(link to test cases) handledid of the patient, who does not have a declaration with the doctor403+
4Patient statusid of the patient that is not active409+
5PK is nunique$.id not unique422+
6Managing organization is not a legal_entity $.managing_organization.identifier.type.coding.[0].code != "legal_entity"422+
7Attempt to create episode for another legal_entity$.managing_organization.identifier.value != token.client_id422+
8Start date is not in future $.period.start !<= current_date422+
9End date is present in not requestend_date
10Care_manager is not an employee$.care_manager.identifier.type.coding.[0].code != "employee"422+
11Care_manager is not a DOCTORPRM.employee.type != "DOCTOR"409+
12Care_manager is not activePRM.employee.status!= "active"409+
13Care_manager is not from the same legal_entityPRM.employee.legal_entity! = token.client_id409+

ЕСОЗ - публічна документація