Update contract employees tests
ЕСОЗ - публічна документація
Update contract employees tests
n/n | description | inputs | expected_result | actual_result |
UCE1 | Update Contract employees without scope |
| 403, Your scope does not allow to access this resource. Missing allowances: contract:write |
UCE2 | Update Contract employees by contract which doesn't exist |
| 404, not found |
UCE3 | Update Contract employees by contract which doesn't belong to MSP |
| 403, You are not allowed to view this contract |
UCE4 | Update Contract employees by contract with nhs_access token |
| 403 |
UCE5 | Update contract employees by contract with status TERMINATED |
| 409, Not active contract can't be updated |
UCE6 | Update employees with division that doesn't belong to MSP |
| 422 | 422, Division should be among contract_divisions |
UCE7 | Update employees inactive doctor |
| 422 | 422, Employee must be active doctor |
UCE8 | Update employees with division that doesn't belong to contractor divisions |
| 422 | 422, Division should be among contract_divisions |
UCE9 | Update employees and CLOSED division |
| 422 | 422, Division must be active and within current legal_entity |
UCE10 | Update employees |
| 200 | 200 |
UCE11 | Deactivate employee which is not in contract |
| 422 | 422, Invalid employee_id to deactivate |
UCE12 | Add new employee to contract |
| 200 | 200 |
UCE13 | Add new employee from another MSP to contract |
| 422 | 422, Employee and contract legal_entity_id mismatch |
UCE14 | Add dismissed employee to contract |
| 422 | 422, Employee must be active DOCTOR |
UCE15 | Add employee from closed division to contract |
| 422 | 422, Division must be active and within current legal_entity |
UCE16 | Deactivate employee from contract |
| 200, found and deactivated employee | 200, found and deactivated employee |
UCE17 | Deactivate DISMISSED employee from contract |
| 200 | 200 |
UCE18 | Deactivate employee from contract with closed division |
| 200 | 200 |
UCE19 | Add and deactivate employee via one request |
| 422 | 422, Invalid employee_id to deactivate |
, multiple selections available,
ЕСОЗ - публічна документація