Prolongate Contract tests

ЕСОЗ - публічна документація

Prolongate Contract tests

expected result
actual  result
expected result
actual  result
PC1Prolongate Contract without scope
  • token
  • id
  • json
403403, missing contract:update"code": "FORBIDDEN",
"exception": {
"missingAllowances": ["contract:update"]
"message": "Current client is not allowed to access this resource"
"code": "FORBIDDEN",
"exception": {
"missingAllowances": ["contract:update"]
"message": "Current client is not allowed to access this resource"
PC2Prolongate Contract by MSP
  • invalid token 
403403, contract:updateLegal entity is not allowed to this action by client_idLegal entity is not allowed to this action by client_id
PC3Prolongate Contract with ID doesn't exist
  • token
  • id doesn't exist
404404, not_foundnot found"code": "NOT_FOUND"
"message": "Contract not found",
PC4Prolongate Contract with status = TERMINATED
  • token with invalid status
  • id 
Incorrect contract status to modify it

Incorrect contract status to modify it

"code": "CONFLICT"
Incorrect contract status to modify it
"code": "CONFLICT"
Incorrect contract status to modify it
PC5Prolongate Contract with not merged contractor_legal_entity 
  • token
  • id
Contract for this legal entity must be resign with standard procedure
Contract for this legal entity must be resign with standard procedure
Contract for this legal entity must be resign with standard procedure
PC6Prolongate Contract with invalid end_date
  • token
  • id
  • end_date<now()
End date should be greater then now
End date should be greater then contract end date
End date should be greater then contract end date
PC7Prolongate contract with closed legal entity
  • token
  • id
  • contractor_legal_entity.status='closed'
409409, Contractor legal entity is not active "code": "CONFLICT"
Contractor legal entity is not active
 "code": "CONFLICT"
Contractor legal entity is not active
PC8Prolongate Contract 
  • NHS token
  • id of valid contract_request
  • json

200, updated end_date

200, updated

200, updated200, updated

ЕСОЗ - публічна документація