Prolongate Contract tests
ЕСОЗ - публічна документація
Prolongate Contract tests
n/n | Description | Inputs | expected result | actual result | expected result graphQL | actual result graphQL |
PC1 | Prolongate Contract without scope |
| 403 | 403, missing contract:update | "code": "FORBIDDEN", "exception": { "missingAllowances": ["contract:update"] "message": "Current client is not allowed to access this resource" | "code": "FORBIDDEN", "exception": { "missingAllowances": ["contract:update"] "message": "Current client is not allowed to access this resource" |
PC2 | Prolongate Contract by MSP |
| 403 | 403, contract:update | Legal entity is not allowed to this action by client_id | Legal entity is not allowed to this action by client_id |
PC3 | Prolongate Contract with ID doesn't exist |
| 404 | 404, not_found | not found | "code": "NOT_FOUND" "message": "Contract not found", |
PC4 | Prolongate Contract with status = TERMINATED |
| 409, Incorrect contract status to modify it | 409, | "code": "CONFLICT" Incorrect contract status to modify it | "code": "CONFLICT" Incorrect contract status to modify it |
PC5 | Prolongate Contract with not merged contractor_legal_entity |
| 422 | 422, Contract for this legal entity must be resign with standard procedure | "code": "UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY" Contract for this legal entity must be resign with standard procedure | "code": "UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY" Contract for this legal entity must be resign with standard procedure |
PC6 | Prolongate Contract with invalid end_date |
| 422 | 422, End date should be greater then now | "code": "UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY" End date should be greater then contract end date | "code": "UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY" End date should be greater then contract end date |
PC7 | Prolongate contract with closed legal entity |
| 409 | 409, Contractor legal entity is not active | "code": "CONFLICT" Contractor legal entity is not active | "code": "CONFLICT" Contractor legal entity is not active |
PC8 | Prolongate Contract |
| 200, updated end_date | 200, updated | 200, updated | 200, updated |
, multiple selections available,
ЕСОЗ - публічна документація