ЕСОЗ - публічна документація
Create Medication Tests
n/n | Description | Test Case Inputs | Expected Result | Step by Step Script | Actual Result |
CM1 | Create Medication |
| Response 200 Medication created. Saved to DB |
| |
CM2 | Create Medication wrong multiplicity | 8. package_qty - valid (multiplicity) 9. package_min_qty > 0 | Response 409
| |
CM3 | Create Medication wrong "form" | 4. form - invalid | Response 422 |
| |
CM4 | Create Medication with 2 ingredients and both is_active_substance=true | 5. {id - active, is_active_substance - true} | Response 422
| |
CM5 | Create Medication with 1 ingredient and is_active_substance=false | 5. id - active is_active_substance - false | Response 422
| |
CM6 | Create Medication with 2 same ingredients (id1=id2) | 5. id - active id - active | Response 422
| |
CM7 | Create Medication using medication id | 5. id - active and id={type=MEDICATION}.id | Response 422 |
| |
CM8 | Create Medication using substance id | 5. id - active and id=substances.id | Response 422 |
| |
CM9 | Create Medication with wrong denum dosage |
| Response 422 |
| |
CM10 | Create Medication NOT by NHS admin |
| Response 402 |
| |
CM11 | Create Medication with inactive INNM | Ingredients
| Response 422 |
| |
CM12 | Deactivate Medication | medication_id - active | Response 200 |
| |
CM13 | Deactivate not active Medication | medication_id - inactive | Response 200 |
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ЕСОЗ - публічна документація