Create INNM tests
ЕСОЗ - публічна документація
Create INNM tests
n/n | Description | Inputs | Expected Result | Step by Step Script | Actual Result |
CRT1 | Create Innm |
| Response 201 Innm saved to DB with status is_active=true |
| |
CRT2 | Create Innm not by NHS Admin |
| Response 403 Message: Your scope does not allow to access this resource. Missing allowances: Innm:write" |
| |
CRT3 | Create Innm with name exists in DB |
| Response 201 Innm saved to DB with status is_active=true |
| |
CRT4 | Create new Innm with no valid name |
| Response 422 message: can't be blank |
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CRT5 | Create new Innm without name |
| Responce 422 message: required property name was not present |
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CRT6 | Create Innm without scopes |
| Responce 401 message: Authorization header is not set or doesn't contain Bearer token |
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CRT7 | Create Innm with no valid name |
| Response 422 Message: string does not match pattern \"^[А-Яа-яЁёЇїІіЄєҐґ\\\\- ]*$\" |
| |
CRT8 | Create Innm with no valid name original |
| Response 422 Message: string does not match pattern \"^[a-zA-Z\\\\- ]*$\" |
| |
CRT9 | Create Innm with no valid sctid |
| Response 422 Message: string does not match pattern \"^[0-9]{8}$\" |
| |
CRT10 | Deactivate Innms |
| Response 201 Innm updated in DB with status is_active=false |
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