ЕСОЗ - публічна документація
(GraphQL) Reorganize Legal Entities
This WS is designed to create relationship for reorganized legal entities by NHS admin using DS.
Key points
This is a graphQl method used in Administration panel only.
Only authenticated and authorized NHS employee with appropriate scope can reorganize legal entities.
Request should be signed with DS.
Link | API paragraph not found |
Resource | API paragraph not found |
Scope | legal_entity:merge |
Components | API paragraph not found |
Microservices | API paragraph not found |
Protocol type | API paragraph not found |
Request type | API paragraph not found |
Sync/Async | API paragraph not found |
Public/Private/Internal | Private |
Service logic differs based on reorganization type:
Create and start async job with type reorganize_legal_entities
Job must contain metadata with values from input parameters.
The job must do next steps:
Update merged_from legal entity active employees (except OWNER) in ‘APPROVED’ status, update status in employees table (PRM DB):
set status = ‘REORGANIZED’
set updated_at = now()
set updated_by = $user_id
Update merged_from legal entity reorganized employees' declarations, update expiry date in declarations table (OPS DB):
set end_date = now() + value of LEGAL_ENTITY_REORGANIZATION_TRANSITION_PERIOD config
set updated_at = now()
set updated_by = $user_id
Update client type for merged_from legal entity in clients table (MITHRIL DB):
set client_type_id = $MSP_LIMITED_ID(3770c4b3-05cd-42d9-8e15-233b193aee86)
set updated_at = now()
Remove all approvals by merged_from legal entity in apps table (MITHRIL DB)
Make all tokens by merged_from legal entity expired in tokens table (MITHRIL DB):
set expires_at=now(unix time)
set updated_at = now()
Set merged_from legal entity contract as suspended in contracts table (PRM DB):
set is_suspended = true
set status_reason = ‘DEFAULT’
set reason = ‘Реорганізація СГуСОЗ’
set updated_at = now()
set updated_by = $user_id
For each pair of merged_from legal entity and merged_to legal entity create separate task.
Task must contain metadata withmerged_to_legal_entity
values from input parameters.
Each task must do next stepsInsert legal entities relations record in related_legal_entities table (PRM DB) according to Legal Entities Reorganization data model_EN
Save signed content to media storage for each related_legal_entities record
After all task from job are successfully completed, update merged_from legal entity status in legal_entities table (PRM DB):
set status = 'REORGANIZED'
set updated_at = now()
set updated_by = $user_id
Reorganization type SEPARATING
Create and start async job with type reorganize_legal_entities
Job must contain metadata with values from input parameters.
The job must do next steps:
Update merged_from legal entity employees with type ‘DOCTOR’, status ‘APPROVED’ and party_id in successor legal entity, update status in employees table (PRM DB):
set status = ‘REORGANIZED’
set updated_at = now()
set updated_by = $user_id
Update merged_from legal entity reorganized employees' declarations, update expiry date in declarations table (OPS DB):
set end_date = now() + value of LEGAL_ENTITY_REORGANIZATION_TRANSITION_PERIOD config
set updated_at = now()
set updated_by = $user_id
Update roles for merged_from legal entity employees in status ‘reorganized’ in user_roles table (MITHRIL DB):
set role_id = $DOCTOR_LIMITED_ID(c61f8475-6474-4314-a99a-e0eb193f2996)
set updated_at = now()
Remove all apps by merged_from legal entity employees in status ‘reorganized’ in apps table (MITHRIL DB)
Make all tokens by merged_from legal entity employees in status ‘reorganized’ expired in tokens table (MITHRIL DB):
set expires_at=now(unix time)
set updated_at = now()
Set merged_from legal entity contract as suspended in contracts table (PRM DB):
set is_suspended = true
set status_reason = ‘DEFAULT’
set reason = ‘Реорганізація СГуСОЗ’
set updated_at = now()
set updated_by = $user_id
For each pair of merged_from legal entity and merged_to legal entity create separate task.
Task must contain metadata withmerged_to_legal_entity
values from input parameters.
Each task must do next steps:Insert legal entities relations record in related_legal_entities table (PRM DB) according to Legal Entities Reorganization data model_EN
Save signed content to media storage for each related_legal_entities record
Reorganization type TRANSFORMATION
Create and start async job with type reorganize_legal_entities
Job must contain metadata with values from input parameters.
The job must do next steps:
Update merged_from legal entity EDR data fields in legal_entities table (PRM DB):
set edr_data_id = null
set updated_at = now()
set updated_by = $user_id
process, that is used to update or insert EDR Data for Legal Entity:Update or insert edr_data for merged_from legal entity edrpou based on EDR Data response in edr_data table (PRM DB)
Update merged_from legal entity EDR Data info based on EDR Data response in legal_entities table (PRM DB)
Update edr_data_id of merged_from legal entity in legal_entities table (PRM DB)
Set merged_from legal entity contract as suspended in contracts table (PRM DB):
set is_suspended = true
set status_reason = ‘DEFAULT’
set reason = ‘Реорганізація СГуСОЗ’
set updated_at = now()
set updated_by = $user_id
Update merged_from legal entity status in legal_entities table (PRM DB):
set status = 'SUSPENDED'
set updated_at = now()
set updated_by = $user_id
Insert legal entities relations record with merged_from and merged_to data of reorganized legal entity in related_legal_entities table (PRM DB) according to Legal Entities Reorganization data model_EN
In case if relations record already exists (legal entity was reorganized with typeTRANSFORMATION
earlier), get id of related_legal_entities record.Save signed content to media storage with following name:
Input parameters
Input is signed data in PKCS7 format. The data must be unpacked and validated using Json Schema.
Based on reorganization type, signedData must contain following fields:
Reorganization types ACCESSION
Fields to sign:
field |
| type | limit | required/optional |
merged_from_legal_entity (object) | id | uuid |
| required |
| name | string |
| required |
| edrpou | string |
| required |
merged_to_legal_entity (array of objects) | id | id |
| required |
| name | string |
| required |
| edrpou | string |
| required |
type |
| string |
| required |
reason |
| string | 255 characters | required |
reason_date |
| date |
| required |
Reorganization type TRANSFORMATION
Fields to sign:
field |
| type | limit | required/optional |
merged_from_legal_entity (object) | id | uuid |
| required |
| name | string |
| required |
| edrpou | string |
| required |
type |
| string |
| required |
reason |
| string | 255 characters | required |
reason_date |
| date |
| required |
Request structure
API paragraph not found
Verify the validity of the access token
in case of error - return 401 (“Invalid access token”)
Verify that token is not expired
in case of error - return 401 (“Invalid access token”)
Check user scopes in order to perform this action (scope = 'legal_entity:merge')
in case of invalid scope(s) - return 403 (“Your scope does not allow to access this resource. Missing allowances: legal_entity:merge”)
API paragraph not found
Request data validation
Validate Digital signature
Validate decoded input data is signed
in case of error - return 422 (“document must be signed by 1 signer but contains 0 signatures”)
Check DS is valid and not expired
Validate that DS belongs to the user
Check that EDRPOU from DS and legal_entities.edrpou matches
in case of error - return 409 (“Signer EDRPOU doesn’t match with requester edrpou”)
Check that DRFO from DS and party.tax_id matches
in case of error - return 409 (“Signer DRFO doesn't match with requester tax_id“)
Validate request
Check input data contains all required fields
in case of error - return 422 ('Required property <field_name> was not present')
Validate value of type is presented in
dictionary.in case of error - return 422 error ('Value is not allowed in enum')
Validate value of reason_date is within merged_from legal entity inserted_at date and current_date (not earlier than merged_from legal entity registration date and not later than the date of reorganization process).
in case of error - return 422 error ('Reorganization reason date can’t be earlier than legal entity registration date and later than reorganization date')
Validate merged_from and merged_to legal entities are not in the process of reorganization (request: select * from related_legal_entities where merged_from_id in ($merged_from_id, $merged_to_id) and is_active=true and type in ('ACCESSION', ‘MERGING’, ‘DIVIDING’); returns empty result):
in case of error - return 409 ('Reorganized and successor legal entities must not be in the process of reorganization')
Validate merged_from legal_entity
Check merged_from legal entity exists
in case of error - return 404 ('Reorganized legal entity was not found')
Check merged_from legal entity is in status='active' or 'suspended'
in case of error - return 409 ('Reorganized legal entity must be active or suspended')
Validate merged_from_legal_entity.name from request=legal_entites.name
in case of error - return 422 ('Invalid reorganized legal entity name')
Validate merged_from_legal_entity.edrpou from request=legal_entites.edrpou
in case of error - return 422 ('Invalid reorganized legal entity edrpou')
Validate merged_from_legal_entity.id<>merged_to_legal_entity.id
in case of error - return 422 ('Reorganized and successor legal entities must be different')
(Applies for reorganization types
Validate merged_to legal_entity (each object in array).Check that each merged_to legal entity exists and unique in array
in case of error - return 422 ('Successor legal entities must be different and exist')
Check that each merged_to legal entity is in status='active'
in case of error - return 409 ('Successor legal entity must be active')
Validate merged_to_legal_entity.name from request=legal_entites.name
in case of error - return 422 ('Invalid successor legal entity name')
Validate merged_to_legal_entity.edrpou from request=legal_entites.edrpou
in case of error - return 422 ('Invalid successor legal entity edrpou')
(Applies for reorganization type
Validate merged_from.legal_entity_type. Valid types: MSP, PRIMARY_CARE, EMERGENCY, OUTPATIENT.in case of error - return 422 ('Invalid legal entity type')
(Applies for reorganization types
Validate merged_to.legal_entity_type and merged_from.legal_entity_type. Valid type transitions see in the table below.in case of error - return 422 ('Invalid legal entity type')
Valid type transitions for legal entities
merged_from | merged_to |
API paragraph not found
Response structure
API paragraph not found
Post-processing processes
API paragraph not found
HTTP status codes
API paragraph not found
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