ЕСОЗ - публічна документація

RC_Create declaration request v3 (modified - EN)



  1. Verify the validity of access token

    1. in case error return 401 

  2. Check users scopes (declaration_request:write) to perform this action

    1. in case error return 403 - forbidden

Validate request using JSON schema

{ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/declaration_request_new/schema#", "type": "object", "properties": { "person_id": { "type": "string" }, "employee_id": { "type": "string" }, "division_id": { "type": "string" }, "authorize_with": { "type": "string" }, "parent_declaration_id": { "type": "string" } }, "required": [ "person_id", "employee_id", "division_id" ] }


Validate Legal Entity Type

Validate legal entity from token:  legal_entities.type should be in DECLARATION_REQUEST_LEGAL_ENTITY_TYPES("MSP,PRIMARY_CARE,MSP_PHARMACY") and legal_entities.status =='active' 

Validate doctor


Get employee details

Invoke Get employee details

Validate Response $.data.employee_type == DOCTOR

Take the doctor_id and the division_id from the token

Validate person 

  • validate person_id UUID

    • in case error return 422

  • search person by person_id in MPI 

    • in case error return 404, "Such person doesn't exist"

  • validate person.auth_method != NA

    • in case error return 422, "Person must have authentication method"

  • validate person.status = ‘active’ and is_active =true

    • in case error return 404, "Such person doesn't exist"

Validate person verification status

  • validate patient's verification_status is not equal to NOT_VERIFIED.

    • in case of error return 409, "Patient is not verified"

Validate authorize_with

The person can pass the id of his auth_method which he wants to confirm the create declaration request. The necessary auth method can be found by making Get person's auth methods

  1. validate auth_method.id is UUID

    1. in case error return 422

  2. search auth method in MPI.person_authentication_method

    1. in case error return 422, "such authentication method doesn't exist"

  3. search auth method of this person where  MPI.person_authentication_method.person_id = $.person.id

    1. in case error return 422, "such authentication method does not belong to this person"

  4. validate that auth_method.type = NA

    1. in case error return 422, "Сannot be confirmed by a method with type= NA. Use a different method."

  5. validate that this method is active ( authentication_method.ended_at > now() and is_active = true)

This field is optional and set in il.declaration_reques.authentication_method_current.

If person request doesn't have this field, then choose that method which is returned from mpi as person's default method

Validate parent declaration

  • check that parent declaration exists and in status ‘active’

    • in case of error - return 404 (‘Active parent declaration was not found’)

  • check that the parent declaration belongs to a person (person_id of parent declaration and person_id from request are the same)

    • in case of error - return 422 (‘Parent declaration does not belong to this person’)

  • check that the legal entity of parent declaration and the current legal entity are in reorganization process with types ACCESSION, MERGING, DIVIDING, SEPARATING (request: select * from related_legal_entities where is_active=true and merged_from_id=parent_declaration_id.legal_entity_id and merged_to_id=employee_id.legal_entity_id and type in (‘ACCESSION’, ‘MERGING’, ‘DIVIDING’, ‘SEPARATING’); returns at least one record)

    • in case of error - return 422 (‘Legal entities of parent declaration and current are not in reorganization process’)    

  • check that party_id of employee from parent declaration and party_id of current employee are the same

    • in case of error - return 422 (‘Employee of parent declaration and current employee are not the same’)

This field is optional and set in il.declaration_reques.parent_declaration_id.

If parent_declaration_id is passed in request, authorize_with validation and processing must be skipped, created declaration request will be processed without patients involvement.

Get global parameters

Invoke Global parameters to get following parameters:



  • no_self_auth_ag

Calculate patient age

Calculate patient age

age = MONTHS_BETWEEN (now(), $.mpi.person.birth_date) / 12

Check that doctor speciality meets the patient age requirements

  1. Get doctor's speciality_officio (speciality object where speciality_officio == true)

  2. Check age requirements according to global parameters

Speciality officio


Speciality officio



All ages


Greater or equal to $.data.adult_age


Less than $.data.adult_age

Validate confidant person

If person age < prm.global_parameters.no_self_auth_age check existence of confidant_person

  • in case error return 422 - msg "Confidant person is mandatory for children"


Search pending declaration requests

Search declarations in IL_DB.declaration_requests to prevent requests duplication:

where IL.Declaration_request.mpi_id = :($.person.id) and status in ('NEW' or 'APPROVED)
Cancel declaration requests

Change status of all found declarations:

SET   IL_DB.declaration_requests.status = 'CANCELED' WHERE IL_DB.declaration_requests.id IN (:LIST)

Calculate declaration end/start date


Start date:

start_date = Current_date()

End date:

if (person.age < prm.global_parametrs.adult_age)&(doctor.speciality = PEDIATRICIAN) {   end_date = min(birth_date + prm.global_parametrs.adult_age - 1d, start_date + declaration_term - 1d); } else {   end_date = start_date + declaration_term - 1d; }

Save declaration request

Insert record to IL.declaration_request in status 'NEW'

Generate upload URL

If auth_method_requests.auth_method_current = OFFLINE

  • URL for person.documents

Depending on the payload system generates list of signed urls for document scan-copies upload.

Signed URLs to be expired after some period of time (configurable `SECRETS_TTL`). If it has been expired - new declaration request should be created.

Each link is generated for one one-page document in jpeg format. Document should be no more than 10MB.

Set auth_method_current

Get parent_declaration_id from il.declaration_requests.parent_declaration_id.

If parent_declaration_id is null, set default auth method of person on IL.auth_method_request.auth_method_current - use function in mpi, that return default auth method.

If auth_method_current = NA - return Error "person authentication method is undefined".

If parent_declaration_id is not null, set auth_method_current = NA (request is processed without patients involvement).

Generate verification code

If auth_method_requests.auth_method_current = OTP 

Invoke Initialize OTP to generate one time password and send it where auth_method_requests.auth_method_current = OTP.

cURL example

curl -X POST \   http://localhost:4000/verifications \   -H 'content-type: application/json' \   -d '{   "phone_number": "+380936235985" }'

Generate human readable declaration number

  • Use algorithm to generate declaration_number

  • Declaration number should consist of a 4 serial symbols and 8 number symbols and looks like XXXX-12H4-245D

  • Add field to ops.declarations and il.declaration_requests - declaration_number 

  • Add declaration_number to print out form

Validate uniqueness of human readable declaration number

  • generate declaration_number

  • Search declaration_number in declaration_requests.declaration_number

  • if exists = go to 'generate declaration_number'

  • else save declaration_number to declaration_request

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ЕСОЗ - публічна документація