2FA Configs

ЕСОЗ - публічна документація

2FA Configs


2FA & OTP configurable parameters:

OTP_LIFETIMEinteger Life-time for OTP item
OTP_LENGTHintegerLength of OTP value
USER_OTP_ERROR_MAXintegerMaximum for entered in-error trying for OTP verification process for all user life-time.  After excess of quantity entered in-error trying, status for user automatically sets to BLOCKED.
OTP_SEND_TIMEOUT  integerTime period which user can be create or refresh OTP (send SMS).
OTP_SEND_COUNTER_MAXintegerMaximum for trying create or refresh OTP (send SMS). After excess of quantity sending OTP  above OTP_SEND_TIMEOUT  user can't  be create OTP and  WS return error
USER_2FA_ENABLEDbooleanFlag which determinate is a default activating 2FA for new user.
MAX_FAILED_LOGINSintegerMaximum for entered in-error trying for login+password  verification. After excess of quantity entered in-error trying for MAX_FAILED_LOGINS_PERIOD user can't  be login and  WS return error

Time period which user can be login with invalid password without error.

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