Approve Documents is uploaded by MSP

ЕСОЗ - публічна документація

Approve Documents is uploaded by MSP


This WS is designed to change status of contract request to NEW by legal entity side. It means that start process from legal entity side is fished and NHS employee can start working if accepted.




Approve uploaded documents for contract request by MSP


Validate token

  • Verify the validity of access token
    • Return 401 in case validation fails
  • Check if token is not expired
    • in case error return 401 - "Token is expired"

Validate user

extract user_id from token

extract client_id from token

  • Check if user is active
    • in case error return 403 - (user is not active)
  • check contractor_legal_entity is active
    • in case error return 403 - (Client is not active)
  • Validate $client_id=contractor_legal_entity_id.
    • in case of error return 403 - Client is not allowed to modify contract_request

Validate scopes

  • Check user scopes in order to perform this action (scope = 'contract_request:approve')
    • Return 403 in case invalid scope(s) "Your scope does not allow to access this resource. Missing allowances: contract_request:approve"

Validate data

  1. Validate contract request id.
    1. Check contract_requests.id = $.id
      1. in case error return 404 ("Contract request with id=$id doesn't exist")
  2. Validate contract_request.status=DRAFT
    • in case error return 409 - "Incorrect status of contract request to modify it"
  3. Validate contractor_legal_entity_id
    1. Legal_entities.id = $.contractor_legal_entity_id and Legal_entities.status='ACTIVE',
      1. in case error return 422 ("Legal entity in contract request should be active")
  4. Validate contractor_owner_id
    1. Employee is_active=true and status='APPROVED' and employees.legal_entity_id=contractor_legal_entity_id
      1. in case error return 422, $contractor_owner_id (Contractor owner must be active within current legal entity in contract request)
  5. Validate contractor_divisions
    1. Check divisions belongs to legal_entity and divisions.status='active'
      1. in case of error return 422  error view $divisions ('Division must be active and within current legal_entity')
  6. Validate contractor_employee_divisions
    1. Employees from employee_divisions has employee_type='DOCTOR', status='APPROVED'
      1. in case of error return 422  error view $employee ('Employee must be an active DOCTOR')
    2. Check contractor_employee_divisions.division_id is present in contractor_divisions.id
      1. in case of error return 422 error $divisions ('The division is not belong to contractor_divisions')
    3. Check contract_number is null
      1. in case of error return 422  error view $employee  ('Employee can't be updated via Contract Request')
  7. Validate start_date
    1. start_date > now()
      1. in case error return 422 $start_date ("Contract request start date should be in future")

Check uploaded documents

  1. Invoke Media Content Storage to check documents exist.
    1. In case of error return 422 error ('The documents weren't uploaded')
  2. Check that DRFO in Certificate details exists and not empty
    1. in case of error return 422 error ('Invalid DRFO in DS')
  3. Check that DRFO in Certificate details is equal to DRFO in Party
    1. Get parties.tax_id using party_users.party_id by user_id.
    2. Compare DRFO in Certificate with party.tax_id 
      1. Convert DRFO and TAX_ID to uppercase
      2. Compare DRFO and TAX_ID as Cyrillic letters
      3. Convert DRFO to Cyrillic and compare as Cyrillic letters
    3. In case validation fails - generate 422 error


Save documents to media storage

Signed documents as well as files in PDF format must be saved to media storage. 

Save response data to DB

set status='NEW'


updated_by $.user_id
updated_at now()
status NEW

Add to event manager

After status was changed (status = NEW, APPROVED, DECLINED, PENDING_NHS_SIGN, TERMINATED or SIGNED) - add new status to event_manager


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