Create User

ЕСОЗ - публічна документація

Create User




Modification  existing WS: Create a user:

  • Add `is_blocked`, `block_reason` column in user entity
  • Add new fields into `priv_settings`
  • Add new attribute `2fa_enable` to WS request 
  • Add logic for create 2FA item for new user 

Request parameters 

Add new parameters:

  • 2fa_enable (boolean, optional

Logic WS

  1. Create user with this structure in `users.priv_settings`:

        "login_error_counter": 0,
        "otp_error_counter": 0

    and this values for new columns:

    1. is_blocked = FALSE
    2. block_reason = NULL
  2. After insert new user in `users`
  3. Analyze $.2fa_enable 
    1. If $.2fa_enable = FALSE - break 
    2. If $.2fa_enable = TRUE 
      1. Insert new record in `authentication_factors` with logical status = RESET
        1. user_id = $.user_id
        2. type = `SMS`
        3. factor = NULL
        4. is_active = TRUE
        5. update_at = now()
    3. If $.2fa_enable = NULL or empty
      1. Get config-param `USER_2FA_ENABLED`
      2. If `USER_2FA_ENABLED` = TRUE
        1. Insert new record in `authentication_factors` with logical status = RESET
          1. user_id = $.user_id
          2. type = `SMS`
          3. factor = NULL
          4. is_active = TRUE
          5. update_at = now()


  • 201 if user successful unblock  + user_object_view
  • 4xx in other case

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ЕСОЗ - публічна документація