ЕСОЗ - публічна документація
Summary Clinical impressions
This web service is designed to provide access to patient's clinical impressions as a part of Patient Summary
This web service returns only specific clinical impressions filtered by clinical impressions.code based on system configuration parameter in order to ensure Medical Confidentiality
Link | Посилання на Apiary або Swagger | |
Resource | /api/patients/{{patient_id}}/summary/clinical_impressions | Посилання на ресурс, наприклад: /api/persons/create |
Scope |
| Scope для доступу |
Components |
| Зазначається перелік бізнес компонентів, які використовують цей метод, наприклад: ePrescription |
Microservices |
| Перелік мікросервісів, які використовує метод API, наприклад: Auth, ABAC |
Protocol type |
| Тип протоколу, який використовується запитом, наприклад: SOAP | REST |
Request type | GET | Тип запиту API, наприклад: GET, POST, PATCH… |
Sync/Async |
| Метод є синхронним чи асинхронним? |
Public/Private/Internal |
| Потрібно зазначити тип методу за ступенем доступності |
Parameter | Type | Description | Value |
SUMMARY_CLINICAL_IMPRESSIONS_ALLOWED | LIST | List of restricted clinical impressions codes Example: "109006" | TBD |
API paragraph not found
Filter | Values | Type | Description | Example |
patient_id |
| String | MPI identifier of the patient |
encounter_id |
| String | identifier of the encounter in Clinical impression |
episode_id |
| String |
code |
| String | Clinical impression's code |
status |
| String | Clinical impression's status |
page |
| Number | Page number |
page_size |
| Number | A limit on the number of objects to be returned, between 1 and 100. Default: 50 |
Request structure
See on Apiary
Request to process the request using a token in the headers
Authorization:Bearer mF_9.B5f-4.1JqM
Request data validation
Validate token
Verify the validity of access token
Return 401 in case validation fails
Verify token is not expired
in case error return 401
Validate scopes
Check user scopes in order to perform this action (scope = 'patient_summary:read')
Return 403 in case invalid scope(s)
Validate patient
Validate patient exists in MongoDB
In case of error return 404 not found
Get all patient's clinical_impressions
Query clinical_impressions using configuration.SUMMARY_CLINICAL_IMPRESSIONS_ALLOWED
Filter using Forbidden Groups
Apply filters provided by user
Response structure
See on Apiary
Post-processing processes
API paragraph not found
HTTP status codes
HTTP status code | Message | What caused the error |
200 |
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ЕСОЗ - публічна документація